View of Field Sport UK's wooden 80 yard range with rifle props Woman looking though sniper scope on wooden 80 yard range View of Field Sport UK's 80 yard range and targets

80 Yard Air Rifle Range

Book a Lane

Our 80 yard air rifle range has 9 Air Rifle Lanes and 2 Pistol lanes which may be used for Airsoft/BB Guns.
A covered range with individual purpose-built shooting benches suited for both left and right handed shooters.
This range has no zeroing facility, it is a sit and plink range only with hundreds of targets ranging from 10 yards to 80 yards. Targets all vary in size, shape and colour.

We have 2 pistol / Airsoft / BB lanes with wind out paper target holder that goes out to 25 yards, in-between there are various plinking targets at various distances for you to shoot at. Click here for more information on our Pistol Range

Have a friend who wants to have a go but has no gun? You may share a gun and lane with one other individual. Unfortunately, we do not have any guns available to hire.

When visiting our range please ensure all guns are kept in bags and boxes and not loaded until seated at your range spot. If you are unsure of current air rifle laws, more information can be found here

Upon your first visit to Field Sport UK Air Rifle Ranges, we do read you our range rules (which can be viewed here) and give you a site safety brief.

Our goal is to provide a safe friendly place for everyone to enjoy air rifle shooting, we are proud to have created a friendly community environment for all of our range users.

- No membership - Come as often or as little as you like
- Prebook a lane before arrival
- £10 (Cash Only, Maximum of 2 people on one gun per lane) for 2 hours
- You must not be a prohibited person under section 21
- Under 18’s must be accompanied by someone over 21 years
- Open weekdays 9am-3pm or Saturdays 9am-5pm.
- Air Rifle must be sub 12ft lb and Air Pistols sub 6ft lb
- BB’s must be 6mm or less and we do prefer biodegradable.
- We only allow 2 people per lane with 1 person shooting

Click here for our FAQs